Beautiful Japanese art, Japanese porcelain and Japanese ceramics

『History of Crystal Porcelain』

The history of [Crystal Porcelain] goes back to 1598 originated from HAZAMI-YAKI in Nagasaki, Japan. After years and years of effort, sophisticated crystal porcelain was finally created. 

『Crystal Porcelain』

Cutting or digging every holes in the pottery manually, and covering with its ori magical clay to bake. 2 times of baking process with over 1,300℃ gives this porcelain a transparency like a shining crystal. This legendary porcelain will give you brightness to your dining scene. 

『Unique Special Gift』

Serving your special guests with Japanese legendary [Crystal Porcelain] will be the best way and the most exclusive way to entertain. It is favoured at many of 5 star hotels, Michelin-star restaurants, embassy, membership clubs, etc ... it is 100% made in Japan. 


  1. These are beautiful Japanese pottery. I like the sensitive touch of the craft. Japanese potteries are really Amazing❢

  2. かっこ良いです❢ 素敵です❢ 私も陶磁器は好きです❢ コチラの波佐見焼はとても繊細で、歴史とモダンの噛み合った素晴らしいアートを感じますね💕

  3. I love the touch of Japanese pottery. The beauty and sensitivity is really the best. I'm pottery collector myself and big fan of Japanese pottery for decades.

  4. Wow☺☺
    Amazing pottery.Japanese art is always beyond expectation. I truely love Japanese pottery☺☺☺

  5. Oh how I wish I could enjoy my morning coffee with this sweet porcelain

  6. 素晴らしい陶磁器! 私もコレクターですが、こんなに素敵な器はまだありません。波佐見焼ですね。今後のコレクションに入れたいです!

  7. 長崎県の波佐見焼ですか? かっこ良いですネ。自宅で使ったら贅沢感が溢れて幸せになれそうです❢

  8. Amazingly beautiful Japanese pottery. I collect few tea cups and tea pot myself but not like these beautiful piece. Hazamiyaku? Isit? I really love the design to the details.

  9. Japanese pottery!? Great style! I like Asian porcelain very much and especially Japanese ceramics. Japanese potteries are made very to the details and I can feel the love and heart of the artist. Japanese pottery is my favorite.

  10. Japanese ceramics are always to the perfection. I love the history of how this Japanese ceramics was born too. Small dots whole design will surely make this art look great especially tea pot and cups once it is filled with tea.

  11. Very beautifully done Japanese ceramics! The design is fantastic! And I also admire the history behind the scenes of Japanese pottery!

  12. Cool pottery selections. Japanese pottery is one of my favorite.

  13. Is that a transparent whole design pottery? That is amazingly cute Japanese pottery. I am sure it feels great dinning with those wonderful piece of art. Japanese pottery is really amazing.

  14. 可愛い! 日本の伝統工芸品は、やっぱり素晴らしいです! 日本の陶磁器は繊細でとても品格を感じます。自宅で使ってみて、さらにその良さが分かりますね!

  15. This is very good blog. I love Japanese porcelain and these crafts are unique. The history of Japanese porcelain is something to admire.

  16. These Japanese pottery looks amazing.I like the backgroud history of how these Japanese ceramics was born. Must checkout more of Hazamiyaki pottery.

  17. カッコ良いですね! 似たような技法は見た事ありますが、波佐見焼が一番レベルが高いかも。エレガントさが、滲み出る感じが素敵!

  18. Beautiful Japanese pottery. Love it!

  19. This is amazingly beautiful Japanese pottery❢ I love the unique design. And history behind is wonderful.


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